
Market Research for Games and Games Media

This is where the primary focus is on the rapidly growing PC and video game market, gamers, their expectations and the accompanying media offerings.

As in real life, gamers are also communicative, positive, motivated and cooperative in market research. The old negative cliché of the lone introverted teenager has long since been consigned to history.

Gamers are much more likely to be found across all age groups and be of either sex. Target group analyses substantiate that they have many interests, are very active in their free time and are thoroughly socially well-adjusted. Many have families and children of their own: Almost 14 million game players Germany are older than 30 and also the number of so-called Silver Gamers over 50 years of age is steadily increasing (source: Burda Community Network GmbH, TdW Typologie der Wünsche -Typology of Desires 2009).

However, despite the cooperative target public, solid research work coupled with solid market experience is an absolute necessity.

Two successful games, Sunflowers’ Anno 1602 and Anno 1701which also represent two of Germany’s best-selling PC games were accompanied throughout their development by community surveys and product development research.

Among this was the fundamental research study ‘PC and Video Game Players – men and women compared’ (Press Release ‘With Mouse and Mind – women conquer the world of computer games').

IDG Entertainment’s Gamer’s Opinion represents a comprehensive study of media usage, purchasing and game playing as well as players’ attitudes to products and brands. It is based on the German IDG Gamer Panel and reports two times a year.

An example of our consultancy service in the online media sector is the Games Online Media Monitor (GOMM), published by Brot und Spiele.

Our networking partner for e-publishing:

ECHTZEIT HAMBURG has been founded in 2010 as an independent consulting and business development company in digital publishing.
ECHTZEIT HAMBURG guides companies in the entertainment industry (games, music, DVD / video and book) regarding marketing and sales and also offers e-services (including cloud-based services) and new distribution channels for digital media as "turnkey" projects.

Games / Games Media Online Market Research


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